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Useful Smartphone Apps for Traveling in Iceland

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Below are the apps we found useful during our trip to Iceland. We hope they’ll be helpful to you too!

Table of Contents

These first two apps are not Iceland-specific. They are our must-haves for international travel.

Google Maps

Chances are you already have Google Maps. It is our preferred navigation app because of:

  • Real-time traffic information
  • “Live view. If you are walking and you are not sure which way to head, just open the app, select the directions to your destination, and then tap “Live View” on the bottom. The app will point you in the right direction.
  • Offline maps. We always download an offline map of our destination in case we don’t have an internet connection. Just search for the place you are visiting in the app, and then select download. You can access your offline maps by clicking on your profile -> Offline Maps.

Google Translate

We also always download the language of the country we are traveling to in the Google Translate app so we could use it without an internet connection. 

We didn’t encounter anyone who doesn’t speak English in Iceland, so the app did not get much use, but we did use it to translate a few signs.



If you are planning on using public transportation in the Greater Reykjavik area, make sure to download this app. 

You can use it to plan your journey, get real-time updates, and, most importantly, pay for your trip.


This app offers an easy way to pay for parking in Reykjavik and some of the tourist attractions.

We used it to pay for parking by the Fagradalsfjall volcano.

Iceland With Kids
Paying for parking in Iceland via Parka app

Taxi Hreyfill

There is no Uber or Lyft in Iceland. Hreyfill Taxi app is good to have on hand if you think you might need a lift in the Reykjavik area.

We used it to get back to the apartment after we returned the rental car past midnight.


Use this app to get groceries and food from local restaurants delivered right to your door.

We didn’t get to use it, but I downloaded it when the visitors were required to get tested at the airport and quarantine until the results were received. We were planning on using this app to get some food delivered in case the results were taking too long so we didn’t have to starve.


 Icelandic Meteorological Office app. Use it to super-local weather forecast.

Useful Smartphone Apps for Traveling in Iceland
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Useful Smartphone Apps for Traveling in Iceland
Here are the apps we found useful during our trip to Iceland. We hope they’ll be helpful to you too!
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2-for-1 Around The World
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