
58 Tour Eiffel Restaurant Review


My daughter, Bunky, was so excited about the dinner at the restaurant located in the Eiffel Tower, 58 Tour Eiffel, it was all she was talking about whenever anyone asked her about our upcoming Paris trip. And if you ask Bunky now what she remembers the most about our trip, she would say it was the dinner in the Eiffel Tower (and we spent two days at Disneyland!).

To be honest, the main reason why I decided to book dinner at 58 Tour Eiffel is that it allows you to skip a long elevator line as we were visiting in summer – peak tourist season. 

If you have a reservation at 58 Tour Eiffel, you will be directed to a separate security checkpoint located between the South and East pillars. You must have reservation confirmation email to be allowed access. We were the only people at the checkpoint so we just breezed through.

Then, you will need to go to the restaurant welcome desk (between the North and East pillars) to pick up your lift ticket. The lift ticket gives you access to the first floor of the Eiffel Tower. The kiosk wasn’t opened when we got there (we arrived a bit earlier than recommend 30 minutes prior to dinner as we expected the security screening to take way longer), so we had to wait a few minutes for it to open.

Once we got the ticket, we proceeded to the elevator that is reserved for the restaurant guests only. Zero wait here as well, however, we had to go through another security check.

58 Tour Eiffel Access

You can see the “regular” line  behind Bunky in this picture. For reference, this was a Friday in June, around 6 pm.

If you have some time to kill before the reservation (like we did as we did not encounter any lines), you can pick up a free kids activity book in the gift shop near the restaurant.

The dinner includes starter, main course, and dessert. The menu changes every season.

This is what I had for dinner:

I loved all of it. I do not have a single complaint about any of my courses. I wouldn’t necessarily say the meal was worth the price, but you don’t pay for the food, you pay for the experience of having dinner in the most iconic landmark in the world (subjective opinion, of course).

Here is Bunky’s dinner:

Surprisingly, Bunky ate some of the soup, but barely touched the main course (seemingly a safe choice). She devoured the dessert, of course! 

I chose not to pay for the guaranteed Trocadéro view table (the “Emotion” offer). It is a possibility you could still get the “view” table even if you don’t pay for it. However, we were not so lucky.

In case, you are wondering what the view you’d get with the “Emotion” offer, here are some pictures from my visit to 58 Tour Eiffel in November of 2015:

58 Tour Eiffel Trocadéro view
58 Tour Eiffel Trocadéro view
58 Tour Eiffel Trocadéro view
58 Tour Eiffel Trocadéro view

I had the picnic lunch then. I can’t name what exactly we ordered, but here are some of pictures of our lunch:

In the end, I would definitely recommend 58 Tour Eiffel. Dining there was a memorable experience for both us. Book it for being able to say you had dinner in the Eiffel Tower, and to skip long security/elevator lines.

Check out our Paris itinerary here.

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58 Tour Eiffel Restaurant Review
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58 Tour Eiffel Restaurant Review
Review of 58 Tour Eiffel, the restaurant located on the first floor of the Eiffel Tower.
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2-for-1 Around The World
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